- 4 GPX Companies
- 16 GridHaul Hubs
- P$500.00 weekly stipend (on sundays)
- Have 2 SimSaga Recipes
- Beta test our products
- 6 VenTalkie Channels for free
- 2 GridTown towns
- 20% off JAS Services
- Make gridhaul cargo
Visit any of our inworld terminals to get GPPremium
See how list of terminals on our Terminals page here
Teleport to one, right click and pay
GP Free
- 2 GPX Companies
- 8 GridHaul Hubs
- No weekly P$ stipends
- No SimSaga Recipes
- No alpha/beta tests
- 3 Ventalkie Channels for free
- 1 GridTown town
- No JASS discounts
- Not able to make gridhaul cargo
Q: Why pay for GPPremium?
A: The money will help us not only offset our operating costs but to also help us invest in new things
Q: What are the benefits to getting GPPremium?
A: What is listed above is always being added to as we work on new things
Q: Will there be a GPPremiumPlus?
A: Not right now but we are thinking about it