Q: What is GPaONE and why do I need one?
A: GPaONE is a account system that grants you access to all GridPlay websites
One password on this site is all that is needed for other GP websites
Q: What are the benefits to having a GPaONE account?
A: Access to websites powered/owned by GridPlay such as GridPay, GridHaul
Each website has its own members only pages
Q: Why only SecondLife residents can get a GPaONE?
A: Right now our system is setup for only SL residents and Discord users
Discord sign ups does NOT grant access to our sl services
Q: Can I use my Discord for my SL based stuff?
A: NO! We link your SL based GridPlay stuff with your avatar's UUID which is publicly available inworld
Q: You tried this before, what changed?
A: We learned alot last time we attempted this and have fixed alot of bugs during the development of GPaONE.
We are very committed this time to keep GPaONE going
Q: How secured is my account?
A: We use the latest website tech including the latest Laravel php framework (currently at version 11)
We never ask for your email address or any other real life info so no risk for ID theift
Since we are SL based the only info we gather is your SL's lagecy name and UUID which are public information
Your GPaONE password is stored as a encrypted string using the latest in password hashing, not even our developers can decrypt it.
Q: What about sl.gridplay.net?
A: We are also slowly phasing out sl.gridplay.net
A all-in-one website just isn't working for us any more as we expand
For now you will need a seperate account for the sl website but End of Life for sl.gridplay.net is coming
Q: What tech is being used for GPaONE?
A: Laravel 11, php 8.3, OAuth2 via Laravel's passport package on here and Socialite for other sites
Our Socialite package is in a private repo and our key generator is only accessed via a console command
Meaning ONLY GridPlay websites will be able to support GPaONE
We may expand and allow others to use our system soon but right now its a exclusive service
Q: Can I use my GPaONE for games you make like Eclipse of Eternity?
A: Soon as we continue to work on that game and others outside of SL.
Q: Wheres your privacy policy?
A: It is on our main website at https://gridplay.net/privacy